Do you know the ideal cut-off date for school entrance? How will you know when your child is ready? Will waiting a year to begin school damage a child’s self-esteem? This event was rescheduled from Jan. 14.
Following Jesus, engaging society faithfully and justly, knowing and interpreting the Bible, loving self and others—we reach for these goals throughout our lives.
At Knollwood, faith formation opportunities stretch across the changing continuum of adulthood. Week by week, month by month, we gather in groups that meet together to nurture faith. Learn more about our varied and rich offerings:
How might you get involved?
Do you know the ideal cut-off date for school entrance? How will you know when your child is ready? Will waiting a year to begin school damage a child’s self-esteem? This event was rescheduled from Jan. 14.
Do you know the ideal cut-off date for school entrance? How will you know when your child is ready? Will waiting a year to begin school damage a child’s self-esteem? This event was rescheduled from Jan. 14.
Join us for an evening of beautiful music by candlelight as we celebrate the fullness of the Epiphany season, led by the Chancel Choir, Chancel Bells, Youth Choir, Youth Bells, and Children’s Choirs of Knollwood.
One of Knollwood’s signature initiatives, Faith in the City invites participants to deepen community conversations about complex issues and find ways to work together to address injustices. Join us as in February as we discuss the topic “Moving Beyond Silos: Thriving Together Forsyth.”
Each Sunday morning all around our church campus, groups of adults gather to study, converse, debate, pray, listen, and simply walk alongside one another in life and faith.
Come find your place in one of our classes, from 9:30–10:30 a.m.
Please join us for a fellowship meal from 5:15 to 6 PM. From 6 to 7 PM on most Wednesdays, following announcements and prayer, we engage various topics of faith with speakers, panels, and group discussion.
Please see our youth and children’s ministry pages for details about concurrent programming for these ages.
In addition to participating in our thriving adult Sunday school classes, many Knollwood members nurture their faith, curiosity, and relationships by gathering in small groups at varied times and places.
Come find your place and your people!
Sometimes we need to go deeper than our regular schedules will allow—deeper into a high-stakes topic or deeper into cultivating spiritual practices.
Special events in the past have included:
Our senior adult ministry provides older adults with opportunities for spiritual nurture, even as we recognize them as vital resources for service and programming. This ministry includes intergenerational activities, fellowship and bonding, service, and education.
A Senior Adult Ministry Team plans and executes various activities for our seniors as well as maintaining an up-to-date list of those who are completely homebound, in coordination with ministerial staff. This team also coordinates helping hands, such as:
Watch for upcoming senior adult activities!
To participate in the Senior Adult Ministry, contact Chris Norman.
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