Do you know the ideal cut-off date for school entrance? How will you know when your child is ready? Will waiting a year to begin school damage a child’s self-esteem? This event was rescheduled from Jan. 14.
At Knollwood, we have multiple opportunities every week for worship, Bible study, spiritual development, fellowship, and recreation, designed for those of every age. Take a look at what’s happening soon and plan to join us.
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Jan. 22 & 29: Fruits of the Spirit
We begin a new year with a two-week series offered by Faith Formation and Education committee members Heidi Andrew, Sarah Van Huis, and Jennifer Graybeal Boone. When we are guided by the Holy Spirit and allow the fruits of the Spirit to be cultivated in our lives, we experience Christian peace and purpose, no matter the circumstances.
Jan. 22: Part One: Seeds
Paul urges the Galatian Christians to “be guided by the Spirit and you won’t carry out your selfish desires.” Paul’s list of such desires reads like a catalog of what we might see from our leadership in the world today: “... sexual immorality, moral corruption, doing whatever feels good, idolatry, drug use and casting spells, hate, fighting, obsession, losing your temper, competitive opposition, conflict, selfishness, group rivalry, jealousy, drunkenness, partying...” (Galatians 5:19-21). The alternative, for Christians, is to be Spirit-led people. When we plant the seed that the Holy Spirit provides in our hearts, it grows a very different fruit, one with the power to change the world, if we let it.
Please join us for a fellowship meal from 5:15 to 6 PM.
From 6 to 7 PM on most Wednesdays, following announcements and prayer, we engage various topics of faith with speakers, panels, and group discussion. Please see our youth and children’s ministry pages for information about concurrent programming for these ages.
Is Your Child Ready for School?
Do you know the ideal cut-off date for school entrance? How will you know when your child is ready? Will waiting a year to begin school damage a child’s self-esteem? This event was rescheduled from Jan. 14.