Young Life Latin America and the Caribbean

Roy and Rebeca Clifford are Young Life Missionaries working in both the Caribbean and Central America. In the DR, Roy created and managed Pico Escondido, a retreat center for Dominican adolescents, primarily from low-income families, where they may have transforming Christian experiences in camps and retreats. Roy is now focusing most of his efforts on building a Young Life camp in Haiti. Rebeca is the director of financial operations for YL’s Latin America/Caribbean division, helping to provide the organizational structure necessary for YL staff and volunteers to be successful in their ministry to adolescents.

In the brutal political and economic crisis gripping Haiti right now, young people are more desperate for love, security, and hope than maybe ever before. YL Haiti now has over 130 ministry sites with more than 17,000 kids involved. Having a safe, functional camp will help this ministry to reach even more young people.

In addition to our missions offerings, teams of Knollwood youth and adults have traveled four times to Pico Escondido, working on projects both at the camp and in nearby communities.


