Circle of Quiet

Circle of Quiet is a silent contemplative space hosted each week during the Sunday School hour. For some, it might be an occasional silent retreat from a more traditional Sunday School class. For others, it might be a more regular and consistent time of quiet contemplation and reflection before worship.

In the spirit of “radical rest” that Circle of Quiet hopes to embody, this group will be on hiatus for the summer.

Our last gathering for this school year will be June 2, 2024.

Sunday School will start back on August 11, 2024 with an intergenerational Sunday School Elective in the Fellowship Hall filled with hymn singing and activities for reconnecting with each other before school starts the next day.

Circle of Quiet will restart as usual with “Blessing Sunday” on August 18, 2024.

“Every so often I need out; something will throw me into total disproportion, and I have to get away from everybody in order to regain a sense of proportion…My special place is a small brook in a green glade, a circle of quiet…” –Madeline L’Engle

Being in community is critical for our spiritual life as Christians. However, community does not always mean talking, discussing, socializing, and eating together. “Community in our culture too often means a group of people who go crashing through the woods together, scaring the wild animal of the soul away,” Parker Palmer says. “A community of solitudes is where we can be alone together.”

Being alone together is what this space is about. Circle of Quiet is whatever you need it to be. We invite you to come and go in accordance with your particular spiritual needs.

Time spent in the Circle of Quiet space is self-guided and personal. Each week the host will provide lectionary texts, poetry, optional prayer and journal prompts, resources for learning new contemplative spiritual practices, and guidance for those interested in more structure. We welcome you to discover which forms of quiet contemplation feed your spirit each week. We offer this quiet space for stillness, and for letting our minds and spirits “catch up” with our bodies.

Weekly Handouts


Forrest Causby


Sunday Mornings, 9:30–10:30


Chapel (lower level of Building A) and Memorial Garden (weather permitting)